Empty Your Cup (by C. Martins)
Empty Your Cup is a unique poetry collection by C. Martins. I often find poetry difficult to comprehend, but this collection is so relevant to my experiences that I was immediately impressed by the poet’s insight.
Hourglass (by C. Martins)
Hourglass is a collection of thought-provoking poems by C. Martins. I thoroughly enjoyed each poem. Her poetry is so relatable, and I could see myself in each one.
The Gardner Heist (by Ulrich Boser)
The book, The Gardner Heist: The True Story of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft, provides a foundation of knowledge about the heist, the museum, and an extensive look into the thieves. Ulrich opens…
The Rumi Prescription (by Melody Moezzi)
This book caught my attention during an Audible sale with the name of the ancient poet, Rumi, in the title. Into my cart it went after…
Equilibrium (by Kenneth “KennyFresh” Woods)
Equilibrium by Kenneth “KennyFresh” Woods is a collection of poems. Woods is a writer and spoken word artist. The first poem…
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