Alanis Morissette - Words + Music (by Alanis Morissette)
I vividly remember listening to Alanis Morissette’s album, Jagged Little Pill, when I was in college. Her music was unique and empowering in the mid-90s. It felt like she was bravely breaking barriers for women with her honest lyrics.
Real Happiness at Work (by Sharon Salzberg)
I decided I better get my act together and read this book before I retire in a few months! Even though I love my job and my decision to retire is bittersweet, I can always benefit from more peace in the workplace. I adore Sharon Salzberg and appreciate her wisdom.
Think Like a Monk (by Jay Shetty)
For as long as I can remember I have been intrigued by the way people think. That search for understanding subsequently led me to investigating how I think. A journey I now understand to have been inevitable. While searching for knowledge…
Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering (by Pema Chodron)
Pema Chodron was asked to come out of her own retreat to offer a weekend retreat to a group at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, founder of…
The Anatomy of Anxiety (by Ellen Vora)
I learned about this book, The Anatomy of Anxiety, by Ellen Vora through the social media app Litsy. Another avid reader…
8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go (by Jay Shetty)
So excited to have received my signed copy of Jay Shetty’s new book, 8 Rules of Love: How to Find it, Keep it, and Let it Go, from Barnes and Noble.
Deepak Chopra’s Mind Body Zone: Living Outside the Box (by Deepak Chopra)
Audible brings Deepak Chopra to its members in the form of a podcast…
The Buddhist on Death Row: How One Man Found Light in the Darkest Place (by David Sheff)
The Buddhist on Death Row caught my attention for two reasons; I have been studying Buddhism for the past few years and I’ve had a passion for prison work for decades.
The Art of Happiness (by Dalai Lama XIV & Howard Cutler)
This book is artfully put together. The setting took place for one week where His Holiness The Dalai Lama was speaking in Tucson, Arizona. The book opens with Howard Cutler, M.D. describing…
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