U is for Undertow (by Sue Grafton)
I’m getting close to finishing the Alphabet series by Sue Grafton. I’ve enjoyed all books in the series, otherwise I wouldn’t keep reading them; furthermore, U is for Undertow, stands out as one of my favorites.
T is for Trespass (by Sue Grafton)
T is for Trespass is another great installment of the Alphabet series by Sue Grafton. Kinsey Millhone’s elderly neighbor is injured during a fall prompting her and her landlord, Henry, to offer assistance and engage the help of family members. Meanwhile, a sociopath is stealing…
S is for Silence (by Sue Grafton)
In S is for Silence, Kinsey Millhone investigates the disappearance of a woman that occurred 35 years ago. On Independence Day of 1953, Violet Sullivan leaves…
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