The Shining (by Stephen King)
I’ve read The Shining by Stephen King twice now, and it’s one of my all-time favorites. I was thrilled when the Constant Reader book club picked it as our December read. I first read it 12 years ago and…
Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering (by Pema Chodron)
Pema Chodron was asked to come out of her own retreat to offer a weekend retreat to a group at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, founder of…
Nothing Short of Dying (by Erik Storey)
Such a cool title. In, Nothing Short of Dying, author Erik Storey introduced me to Clyde Barr; a man with a dark and rugged background. His solitary lifestyle…
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