Elvis and Me (by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley)
The audiobook of Elvis and Me by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley has been sitting in my Audible library for a while. I was motivated to listen to this book after recently reading From Here to the Great Unknown by Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough. While I was never a fan of Elvis Presley exactly, my upbringing was marked by my parents listening to his music and watching his movies. Upon discovering books written by his immediate family, I was naturally captivated. It is likely that this fascination stems from a sense of nostalgia.
Elvis and Me, originally published in 1985, was released as an audiobook in 2022. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Priscilla narrate the audiobook. It was such a joy to hear her laughter when she recounted funny stories. Priscilla provided a detailed account of her encounters with Elvis Presley, spanning their relationship, marriage, the birth of Lisa Marie Presley, their divorce, and Elvis’s passing. I commend Priscilla’s willingness to share such intimate and personal stories. The 1950s and 1960s were a unique era and culture. I had to keep that in mind when she recalled Elvis’s expectations for the type of woman he envisioned being with. It appears that Priscilla wanted to convey an accurate, human account of her life with Elvis. While she acknowledged his controlling tendencies, quick temper, and substance abuse, she also emphasized the numerous joyful moments they shared.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was genuinely surprised by the revelations I gained, and I must admit to being somewhat disappointed to discover the extent of Elvis’s unfavorable traits. While I do not pass judgment on these behaviors, I am instead curious about the inherited traits, the effects of drug use, and the underlying personality factors that contributed to them. I empathized with the treatment Priscilla endured, while simultaneously admiring her personal growth and insightful perspective. Despite the fact that I was aware of their divorce, it was still emotionally moving to listen to her recount the moment she made the decision to leave Elvis. Regardless of the triumphs and tribulations they experienced, Priscilla’s deep love for Elvis remained undeniable. It is evident that he had a profound and enduring influence on her life, which continues to shape her even after his passing.
There’s a movie, Priscilla, based on this book that was released in 2023. I haven’t seen it, but it looks pretty good. Below is the trailer for your viewing pleasure.
Linked below is my review of Lisa Marie Presley’s memoir.
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