Stephen King
The opportunity to attend an author event with Stephen King is definitely the highlight of…
Josh Malerman
Josh Malerman put on the most unique event for the book tour for Bird Box that I’ve ever attended!
Greg Iles
I met Greg Iles for the first time when he came to Joseph Beth booksellers in Lexington, Kentucky on book tour for Natchez Burning.
Neil Gaiman
This was a night I will never forget! Joseph Beth booksellers hosted Neil Gaiman for a huge event at The Grand Reserve in Lexington, Kentucky.
Joe Hill
Imagine my surprise when I’m shopping at my local independent bookstore Joseph-Beth and I stubble upon a poster advertising Joe Hill’s author event!
Silas House
I was first introduced to Silas House by my husband’s best friend who’s an avid reader.
John Grogan
The book Marley and Me had been a pretty popular book that was later made into a movie. So when I learned that John Grogan was…
Gene Hackman & Daniel Lenihan
At the time of this book event, I wasn’t very interested in history. As I’ve grown, I certainly…
Mary Higgins Clark & Carol Higgins Clark
My grandma, who introduced me to reading and libraries, was a huge fan of Mary Higgins Clark and her daughter, Carol. I wasn’t able…